Senin, 24 April 2017


Chemistry Vocablary

1.        An atom, with protons, neutrons,and electrons labelled. absolute zero – a theoreticalcondition concerning a system at zero Kelvin where a system does not emit or absorb energy (all atoms are at rest) accuracy – how close a value is to
the actual or true value; also see precision

2.        acid – a compound that, whendissolved in water, gives a pH of less than 7.0 or a compound that donates a hydrogen ion

3.       acid anhydride – a compound with two acyl groups bound to a single oxygen atom acid dissociation constant – an equilibrium constant for the dissociation of a weak acid actinides – the fifteen chemical that are between actinium (89) and lawrencium (103 )

4.       activated complex – a structurethat forms because of a collision between molecules while new bonds are formed activation energy activity series actual yield

5.        addition reaction – within organic chemistry, when two or more molecules combine to make a larger one

6.       aeration – the mixing of air into a liquid or solid

7.       alkali metals – the metals of Group 1 on the periodic table alkaline earth metals – the metals
of Group 2 on the periodic table allomer – a substance that has different composition than another, but has the same crystalline structure

8.       allotropy – elements that can have different structures (and therefore different forms), such as Carbon (diamonds , graphite , and fullerene )
9.       anion – negatively charge ions anode
10.   aromaticity – chemical property of conjugated rings that results in unusual stability. See also benzene .
11.   atom – a chemical element in its smallest form, and is made up of neutrons and protons within the nucleus and electrons circling the nucleus atomic mass unit
12.   atomic number – the number representing an element which corresponds with the number of protons within the nucleus
13.   atomic orbital – the region where the electron of the atom may be
found average atomic mass Avogadro’s law Avogadro’s number
14.   barometer – base – a substance that accepts a proton and has a high pH ; a common example is sodium hydroxide (NaOH) biochemistry – the chemistry of organisms
15.   boiling – the phase transition of liquid vaporizing boiling point – boiling-point elevation  bond – the attraction and repulsion between atoms and molecules that is a cornerstone of chemistry
16.   Boyle’s law – Brønsted-Lowrey acid – Brønsted–Lowry acid–base reaction – Brønsted Lowrey base – buffered solution – burette (also buret) – glassware used to dispense specific amounts of liquid when precision is necessary (e. g. titration and resource dependent reactions)
17.   catalyst – a chemical compound used to change the rate (either to speed up or slow down) of a reaction, but is regenerated at the end of the reaction.
18.   cation – positively charged ion
19.   centrifuge – equipment used to separate substances based on density by rotating the tubes
around a centred axis
20.   cell potential – the force in a galvanic cell that pulls electron through reducing agent to oxidizing agent
21.   chemical Law – certain rules that pertain to the laws of nature and chemistry – examples
chemical reaction – the change of one or more substances into another or multiple substances
22.   colloid – mixture of evenly dispersed substances, such as many milks
23.   combustion – an exothermic reaction between an oxidant and fuel with heat and often light
24.   compound – a substance that is made up of two or more chemically bonded elements
25.   condensation – the phase change from gas to liquid
26.   conductor – material that allows electric flow more freely
27.   covalent bond – chemical bond that involves sharing electrons
28.   crystal – a solid that is packed with ions, molecules or atoms in an orderly fashion
29.   cuvette – glassware used in spectroscopic experiments. It is usually made of plastic, glass or quartz and should be as clean and clear as possible
30.   deionization – the removal of ions, and in water’s case mineral ions such as sodium, iron and calcium
31.   deliquescence – substances that absorb water from the atmosphere to form liquid solutions
32.   deposition – settling of particles within a solution or mixture
33.   dipole – electric or magnetic separation of charge
34.   dipole moment – the polarity of a polar covalent bond
35.   dissolution or solvation – the spread of ions in a solvent
36.   double bond – sharing of two pairs of electrons
37.   Microcentrifuge or Eppendorf tube with Coomassie Blue solution earth metal – see alkaline earth metal electrolyte – a solution that conducts a certain amount of current and can be split categorically as weak and strong electrlytes
38.   electrochemical cell – using a chemical reaction’s current, electromotive force is made
39.   electromagnetic radiation – a type of wave that can go through vacuums as well as material and classified as a self- propagating wave
            40. electromagnetism – fields that have electric charge and electric properties that change the
                     way that particles move and interact

10 komentar:

  1. What are the properties of acid?

    1. Acidic substances include: acid chloride (HCI), water battery (sulfuric acid) and porcelain cleaners. In general, acid compounds have the following characteristics:

      1. Have a sour taste
      2. Can change the color of the indicator such as blue lamus paper to red
      3. Corrosive to metal
      4. Can conduct electricity (conductor)
      5. If dissolved into water produces hydrogen ions (H +)
      6. Has a pH value (acidity degree) less than 7. The smaller the pH value of a substance the stronger the acidity.

  2. What is an example for aeration?

    1. Aeration is meant to be a reaction and for example a reaction that occurs during photosynthesis

  3. Please explain it with your opinion about microcentrifuge ?

    1. Microcentrifuge is equipment, equipment in laboratory maunpun hospital

  4. Can you give an example of a compound that can serve as a catalyst?

    1. Examples of particularly important chemical processes such as synthesis of methanol from syngas (CO and H2) are catalyzed by ZnO / Cr2O3, and the reaction of water shifts (WGS), CO + 2H2O == CO2 + H2 is catalyzed by iron oxide or mixed oxides of Zn, Cu and Cr.


    1. Namely the dispersed phase (solute) and the dispersing medium (solvent). For example, clay dispersion; Clay particles as dispersed phase, while water is a dispersing medium.

      In colloidal systems, both dispersed and dispersing phases may be gaseous, liquid, or solid. Therefore, we recognize eight kinds of colloidal systems.



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