In general,
more water pollution caused by industrial activity that is from industrial
wastes that do not through the process of waste treatment first. The types of
industrial waste water pollutants include:
1. Food
Industry Waste
Sectors / small food businesses that pollute the environment include: tofu,
tempeh, tapioca and fish processing (marine industry). Small business food
waste can cause problems in handling because it contains large amounts of
carbohydrates, proteins, fats, salts, minerals, and chemical residues used in
processing and cleaning. For example, tofu industry waste, tempe, tapioca
seafood industry and other food industries, can cause a strong odor and heavy
pollution in the water if the disposal is not given the right treatment.
The effluent or
effluent from food processing with Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) is high and
contains pollutants such as soil, alcohol, heat and insecticides. If the
effluent is discharged directly into a waters it consequently disrupts all
ecological balance and may even lead to the death of fish and other aquatic
2. Chemical
Industry Waste & Building Materials
industry such as alcohol in the process of manufacture requires very large
water, mengeibatkan also the amount of wastewater released surrounding
environment. The waste water is contaminated because it contains
microorganisms, both dissolved and suspended organic and inorganic compounds as
well as additional compounds formed during the permentation process.
The industry has liquid waste other than its production process as well, residual water washing equipment,
solid waste in the form of powder of the juice, Ca4 Ca sediment, gas in the form of alcohol vapor. This
category of industrial waste is the toxic waste of hazardous substances (B3) that contaminate water and air.
Adverse effects to health effects of toxic chemicals:
A. Acute poisoning, ie poisoning due to entry of certain doses into the body through the mouth, skin,
respiration and consequences can be seen immediately, eg H2S, Co intoxication in high doses. May
cause weakness and death. Fenal poisoning can cause stomach ache and so on.
B. Chronic toxicity, as a result of ingestion of toxic substances into the body in small doses but
continuous and accumulates in the body, so that the effect is felt in the long term such as lead
poisoning, arsenic, mercury, asbestos and so on. The fermentation industry such as alcohol may in
addition endanger workers if inhaling the substance in the air during work if it is not in accordance
with the Threshol Limit Valued (TLV) of toxic industrial gases or vapors may also affect the health
of the surrounding community. Other activities of this sector that pollute the environment are industries
that use raw materials from minerals such as white brick, tile, limestone / limestone and brick crafts.
Pollution arises as a result of continuous excavations that leave the altered vaults that have no nutrients
so that if not reclaimed it can not be planted for agricultural fields.
3. Industrial Waste of Leather & Various Clothing
Cloth and skin sectors such as batik washing, batik printing, tannery can cause pollution because in the
washing process requires water as a medium in large quantities. This process results in large waste
water, where waste water contains color remains, high BOD, high oil content and toxic (containing high
B3 waste).
4. Metal & Electronics Industry Waste
Although the steel / metal industry does not use chemical solutions, it pollutes the water because it can
contain lubricating oils and acids derived from the pickling process to clean plate materials, while solid
waste materials can be reused.Hazards from pollutants that may be derived from processes in the iron /
steel / metals industry to health ie lubricating oil, waste can inhibit the biological oxidation process of
the environmental system, when pollutants are flowed into the river, pond or rice field and so on.
Is there any way to deal with water pollution by chemicals caused by industrial activity?
BalasHapusHow to deal with water pollution:
HapusMany things we can do as a way to overcome water pollution.
1) Be aware of the continuity of water availability by not damaging or exploiting the water source so as not to be polluted.
2) Do not throw garbage into the river.
3) Reduce the intensity of household waste.
4) Perform filtering of factory waste so that the waste that will be united with river water is not an evil waste of ecosystem destroyer.
5) Making sanitation right and clean so that other clean water sources are not polluted.
6) Another way to control water pollution is to plant trees. Trees in addition to preventing landslides, recognized to absorb water in large quantities. That is why many flood disasters caused by mass logging. In fact, the tree is the most effective and reliable water absorber. In fact, the water catchment area was used as a residential and tourist center. The real tree can be a source of water because with so many trees, the more potential water sources beneath it.
so, How to cope it? please explain with your opinion
BalasHapusIn my opinion how to overcome the waste industry it should not throw the waste into the river and dispose of it in places where it does not disturb the surrounding environment
HapusHow to treat waste to reduce adverse environmental impacts?
BalasHapusComposting, which is handling organic waste into compost that can be utilized as fertilizer through fermentation process. The raw materials for composting are dry and green waste from crop residues, food waste, animal waste, food scraps etc. In the process of making this compost the raw material will decompose / decompose by microorganism.
HapusThe simple process of composting takes place anaerobically which often causes gas. While the aerob composting process requires adequate oxygen and does not produce gas. Environmental factors that can affect the composting process are:
The size of the material, the smaller the material size the faster the composting process
Water content, a pile of materials that are less watery will be moldy so that the process of decomposition is slow and not perfect. But if the excess water becomes anaerobic and unfavorable to the decomposing organism.
Aeration, good aeration will accelerate the composting process so it needs a reversal or stirring of compost.
PH (degree of acidity), so that the composting process is fast, compost pH should not be too acid it is necessary to add lime or ash kitchen
Temperature, the optimum temperature of the composting takes place at 30 - 450 C
Comparison of C and N, the composting process can be stopped when the C / N composition approaches the C / N ratio of soil that is 10-12
The content of waste materials such as lignin, wax (night) resin, high cellulose will slow down the composting process.
How to make compost, how to:
Use composter
Open pile (open windrow)
Cascing (using worms)
In the compost there are nutrients needed plants, so it is used as a fertilizer and called organic fertilizer. In the composting process, compost raw materials undergo chemical changes by microorganisms / bacteria that require nitrogen for their life. But not always compost raw material contains enough nitrogen for the needs of bacterial decomposers so that nitrogen supplementation is required, one of which is EM 4 (effective microorganism 4) that serves as an activator. This will help the bacteria live well so that the process of decomposition of compost raw materials to be faster and the composting process takes place more quickly as well. If aeration is less, then what happens is the process of decomposition and will produce bad smell due to the formation of ammonia (NH3) and sulfide acid (H2S).
Compost from organic raw materials has several uses, among others:
Improve soil quality
Improve the ability of the soil in ion exchange
Helps waste processing
Reduce environmental pollution
Help conserve natural resources
Opening up new jobs
Reduce operational costs for farmers or plant lovers
What Acute poisoning,can be prevent?
BalasHapusCan be prevented if How to deal with water pollution:
HapusMany things we can do as a way to overcome water pollution.
1) Be aware of the continuity of water availability by not damaging or exploiting the water source so as not to be polluted.
2) Do not throw garbage into the river.
3) Reduce the intensity of household waste.
4) Perform filtering of factory waste so that the waste that will be united with river water is not an evil waste of ecosystem destroyer.
5) Making sanitation right and clean so that other clean water sources are not polluted.
6) Another way to control water pollution is to plant trees. Trees in addition to preventing landslides, recognized to absorb water in large quantities. That is why many flood disasters caused by mass logging. In fact, the tree is the most effective and reliable water absorber. In fact, the water catchment area was used as a residential and tourist center. The real tree can be a source of water because with so many trees, the more potential water sources beneath it.
How to treat waste to be useful for life?
BalasHapus1. Processing into new goods that are worth selling There are some industrial waste that can still be processed back into new goods that are worth selling. In this case, such as wood waste furniture industry that can still be used to create a variety of handicrafts that have a selling value so that in addition to absorbing labor can also increase revenue. 2. Processing for consumption It applies to industrial liquid waste. The government has implemented liquid waste treatment procedures so as not to contaminate the residents' wells. In some large companies have applied liquid waste management system into clean water that is consumable. 3.Mendaur ulang This is most often done, Some types of non-organic industrial wastes (which can not decompose if natural) need to be recycled process. Usually industrial waste such as plastics and paper is an example of the type of industrial waste that can be recycled to be a product. 4.Diolah Using bacteria processing waste This process is done by utilizing aerobic bacteria that are widely available in the air. Allowing waste tubs in the open air so that aerobic bacteria can oxidize waste.
HapusHow does the process of industrial waste that you know?
BalasHapusBasically, the tofu production process produces two kinds of waste, namely solid waste and liquid waste. Solid waste is generally used as animal feed. The tofu industry needs water to process sorting, soaking, peeling, washing, milling, boiling, and filtering. Then, the waste water from the process is called liquid waste. The liquid waste of the tofu industry has a very high content of organic compounds. Without a good handling process, tofu waste can cause negative impacts such as water pollution, disease sources, odor, increase mosquito growth, and lower aesthetic environment. Liquid waste discharged into untrammeled waters can also lead to the death of living things in water including microorganisms that play an important role in regulating the biological balance in water. The average industrial waste water contains BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand), COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), TSS, and oil / fat respectively 4583, 7050, 4743 and 26 mg / l. When compared to the quality standard of industrial waste of soybean food products according to KepMenLH No. Kep-51 / MENLH / 10/1995 on the Liquid Waste Quality Standard for Industrial Activities, the maximum allowable for BOD, COS, and TSS are 50, 100, 200 mg / l, respectively. So it is clear that the liquid waste of the tofu industry exceeds the required quality standard.
HapusDescribe Sedimentation Process on liquid waste processing ?
BalasHapusSedimentation is the separation process of solids contained in the wastewater, carried out after the coagulation and flocculation process in order to enlarge the solid particle so it can sink and heavier. Sedimentation is done before and after processing. Sediment from liquid waste contains organic materials that will undergo the process of decomposition. In such conditions the gas will be trapped like carbon dioxide, where the gas is trapped in the mud.
HapusAfter the process of decomposition and release of gas, the mud condition is considered stable and will permanently settle on the bottom of the tank so that this long sedimentation process is also called the stabilization process. The accumulation of sludge (volume) within a certain period of time is an important parameter in the planning of waste treatment by the sedimentation process and the stabilization of the sludge.