Title: Making Tempe
A. Purpose: Make tempe and know the process
of making tempe
B. Tools and materials:
1. Basin
2. Sieve
3. Dandang
5. Sotel Timber
4. Fans / Fan
7. Candle drawing 1. tools and
materials to be used
8. Skew Satay
9. Plastic Bag
1. Soybeans
2. Tempe Yeast
C. How it works:
1. Wash tampah, sieve, fan and cukil to
be used, then dried.
2. Clean the soybeans from other
ingredients mixed, then dried.
3. Soak the soybeans that have been
washed for 12-18 hours with ordinary cold water (hydration process for soybean
seeds to absorb as much water as possible).
4. Remove the soft soybean seeds, then
wash or rinse using clean water.
5. Steam / boil the soybean seeds until
6. After the soybean seeds are tender,
pour the seeds on the winnowing that has been cleaned, then diangin-wind with
fan / fan while stirred until the seeds are warm.
7.Sprinkle the yeast tempe (RAPRIMA) that has been prepared little by little while
stirring to evenly (1/2 spoon to 1 kg).figure 6.After being given yeast, the
soybeans are stirred until evenly distributed
8. Prepare plastic bags or banana
leaves, or teak leaves for wrapping. When a plastic bag is used as a wrapper,
insert small holes in the bag with a stick or fork.
9. Put the soybeans that have been
given yeast tempeh (RAPRIMA) into the wrapper, set the thickness according to
Figure 7. (A) puts the soybean into
plastic (B) plastic cover with wax (C) piercing plastic with stick to make a
10. The process of fermenting these
soybeans at room temperature for one or two days or until the entire surface of
soybeans is covered in mushrooms.
11. Every afternoon and morning tempeh
is reversed so that the fermentation process of soy beans is evenly
Hi nadia, I want to ask. Can you mention another purpose in this experiment?
BalasHapus1. To know how to make tempe
Hapus2. To know microorganisms that play a role in the process of making tempe
what chemical reaction during the process?
BalasHapusChemical Reaction Equation in Tempe Fermentation Process ie:
HapusC6H12O6 → 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 + 2 ATP (Energy released: 118 kJ per mole)
Described as:
Sugar (glucose, fructose, or sucrose) → Alcohol (ethanol) + Carbon dioxide + Energy (ATP).
What the functions of fermenting in making tempe?
BalasHapusIn addition to giving a distinctive flavor and aroma, fermentation process also makes tempe more easily digested by the body.
HapusNutritionist Jansen Ongko said Rhyzopus grabs that grow on soybeans will hydrolyze simple compounds so easily digested by the human body.
He also added that fermentation can improve nutrient absorption of soybeans, including isoflavone phytonutrients such as genistein and daidzein as well as bioactive peptide concentrations (formed during the breakdown of soy protein).
Not only that, vitamin B12 in tempe is also formed during the fermentation process. Vitamin B12 is beneficial in improving memory, concentration, and producing more energy in the body.
What will happen if soy is soaked for less than 12-18 hours?
BalasHapusThis hydration process aims to make soy absorb water as much as possible.
HapusAfter that the seeds of soybean seeds are released. Then steam or boil the soybean seeds until tender.
After tempe successfully in fermentation, is it safe if eaten directly without cooking first?
BalasHapusTempe what if eaten directly it is safe but better cooked first and tastes more delicious than not cooked.
HapusWrite down the chemical reaction that occurs in the manufacture of tempe.
BalasHapusChemical Reaction Equation in Tempe Fermentation Process ie:
HapusC6H12O6 → 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 + 2 ATP (Energy released: 118 kJ per mole)
Described as:
Sugar (glucose, fructose, or sucrose) → Alcohol (ethanol) + Carbon dioxide + Energy (ATP).
What is the ratio of tempe with yeast to good tempe yield?
BalasHapusSprinkle the prepared tempe yeast (RAPRIMA) bit by bit while stirring evenly (1.5 grams of tempe yeast for 2 kg of soybeans). 8. Prepare plastic bags or banana leaves, or teak leaves for wrapping. When plastic bags are used as wrappers, give small holes in the bag by using a stick or fork.
HapusIn chemical reaction tempe is koloid is right?
BalasHapusTempe does not include colloids because colloids itself is a form of mixture of 2 substances or more like using solvents with soluble substances whereas tempe only uses yeast.
HapusWhat chemical reactions arise in tempe ?
BalasHapusChemical Reaction Equation in Tempe Fermentation Process ie:
HapusC6H12O6 → 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 + 2 ATP (Energy released: 118 kJ per mole)
Described as:
Sugar (glucose, fructose, or sucrose) → Alcohol (ethanol) + Carbon dioxide + Energy (ATP).