Chemistry is a branch of natural science that studies the properties, structure, composition,changes of
matter, and the energy that accompanies material changes. Chemistry is closely related in human life.
Unconsciously, things around are often related to chemistry, such as food, medicine, clothing, electronic
materials, and much more. Chemistry underlies several other sciences such as Biology, Physics,
Agricultural Sciences, and so forth. Here are some benefits of Chemistry in various fields, namely:
1. Benefits of Chemistry in the Field of Biology
Chemistry in the field of biology especially learn about living things (animals and plants). Chemical pro
cesses that take place in living things include digestion of food, breathing, metabolism, fermentation, ph
otosynthesis, and others. Learning about it, it takes knowledge of the structure and properties of existing
compounds, such as carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, enzymes, fats, nucleic acids and so forth.
2. Benefits of Chemistry in Agriculture
Soil fertility needs to be restored, to restore soil fertility needs to be done addition of fertilizer, while
pests can be overcome with the addition of pesticides. The benefits and dangers of the use of fertilizers
and pesticides must be understood, so there is no error in their use. Fertilizers and pesticides are products
of chemistry. Therefore, it is necessary to study chemistry in order to understand the chemicals contained
in the fertilizer so as not to harm the wetland ecosystem.
3. Benefits of Chemistry in Cosmology
Cosmology is the study of the structure and history of the universe on a large scale. In particular, this science
deals with the origin and evolution of a subject. Chemistry provides an overview of the evolution that
occurs, namely by studying the particles that make up the universe.
4. Benefits of Chemistry in the Field of Law
The field of law directly does not have anything to do with chemistry, but the benefits of chemistry in this
field of law can be felt when the application of criminal proof of criminology is examined. The body part
of the suspect can be examined by examining its DNA structure, because the DNA structure of each person
is different, and this examination involves chemistry.
5. Benefits of Chemistry in the Field of Geology
This field deals with the research of rocks (minerals) and gas and petroleum mining. The process of
determining the elements that make up the minerals and the preliminary stage for this exploration, uses the
basics of chemistry. The benefits of chemistry in this field to help classify the elements found, understand
and understand the findings of researchers about rocks or natural objects.
6. Benefits of
Chemistry in the Field of Machinery
Chemistry can also concern the field of machinery, which is to study the
properties and composition of a good metal for the manufacture of machinery,
studying the nature of the composition of fuel and engine lubricants.
7. Benefits of
chemistry in the field of physics
chemistry involves applying the principles of physics to matter at the atomic
and molecular levels. Chemistry deals with the interaction of matter that can
involve two substances or between matter and energy, especially in relation to
the first law of thermodynamics. Physical chemistry is used to help the
discovery of new materials in the field of electricity, such as semiconductors,
magnets, and so forth.
8. Benefits of
Chemistry in the Field of Psychology
Psychology is
known as an experimental methodology as one of the methodologies in psychology.
This methodology is carried out in the laboratory by conducting experiments
related to chemistry.
9. Benefits of
Chemistry in the Field of Medicine
The benefits of
chemistry in human life in the field of medicine is to help the healing of
patients suffering from a disease, using drugs made based on the results of
research on the process and the reaction of chemicals carried out in the branch
of pharmaceutical chemistry.
Chemical Sciences in the Field of Civil Engineering
The materials
used in this field of civil engineering are cement, wood, paint, nails, iron,
parallel (PVC pipe), glue and others. All these materials are produced through
research based on chemistry. The benefits of chemistry in this case aims to
make the building materials can be known advantages and disadvantages, so as to
minimize accidents or losses in the end.
Can you give examples of some types of pesticides and their usefulness?
BalasHapusInsecticides are substances that contain toxic chemical compounds used to kill and kill almost all types of insects.
HapusRodenticides are substances that contain toxic chemical compounds used to eradicate various types of rodents, such as rodents.
Herbicides are the toxic compounds used to kill and eradicate disturbing plants called weeds.
Fungicides are substances that contain toxic chemicals and can be used to eradicate and prevent fungi (fungi) or fungi.
Akarisida or often called mitisida is a material containing toxic chemical compounds used to kill mites, ticks, and spiders.
Bactericides are compounds containing toxic active ingredients that can kill bacteria.
Larvasida is a type of pesticide which is usually in the form of granules or briquettes used for larval or larva controlling application of dengue and malaria mosquitoes.
Hi nadiaa, could you explain again Benefits of Chemistry in the Field of Law? please explain with example!
BalasHapusThe field of law directly does not have any connection with chemistry, but the benefits of chemistry in this field of law can be felt when the enactment of examination equipment buktikriminalitas (kriminologi). The body part of the suspect can be examined by examining its DNA structure because the DNA structure of each person is different. This examination involves chemistry.
Hapuscoild you give me a example of Chemistry in the Field of Psychology?
BalasHapusThe role in psychology relates to a person's emotional change.
HapusRole in the field of electronics manufacture batrai.
The role of chemistry in the field of science and technology is the manufacture of laptop machines that need a good metal
Whether the chemical is more beneficial to human life or even more dangerous? How do you think?
BalasHapusI think it depends on what chemicals are used when the ingredients are good and non-toxic and there are also chemicals that are used dangerously with the slightest dose if frequently used continuously it will bring adverse effects to life.
HapusAny substance contained in the manufacture of cough medicine in the field of medicine
BalasHapusFrom a variety of medicines for medical purposes that are already known in the market, for example some kinds of drugs Cough: Cough medicine contains expectorant substances and anti allergic substances. Like anti-influenza drugs, cough medicine should not be used continuously.